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His work has led to new treatments for advanced lung cancer and a better understanding of dangerous parasites.

Blaine Mooers

The Stanford Board of Trustees held its first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year Oct. 17-18. Trustees toured the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and met the new dean of the Doerr School of Sustainability, among other matters.

Aerial photo of SLAC research yard

Encapsulating precious-metal catalysts in a web-like alumina framework could reduce the amount needed in catalytic converters – and our dependency on these scarce metals.

A web of red material encapsulates blue polyhedrons.

Bernhard Mistlberger will receive the APS's 2023 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics for his work on precision Standard Model calculations.

A man smiles at the camera.

They saw how the material finds a path to contorting and flexing to avoid being irreversibly crushed.

MEC silicon

A research team including SLAC staff engineer Gustavo Cezar shows that charging electric vehicles in the daytime would spread the load on the electric grid, save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Photograph of a man plugging an electric cord into a gray car on a driveway.

Bagde is being recognized for his successful efforts to describe the structures and mechanisms of several biologically important enzymes.

A man wearing a yellow shirt smiles at the camera.

The protein could play a key role in soil carbon cycling and soil decomposition.

A three-dimensional structure of the soil virus AMG product, an enzyme known as a chitosanase.

An enormous vat of pure liquid xenon will help scientists at SLAC and around the globe learn more about the universe.

A collection of pipes, towers, and other equipment

Fan’s X-ray crystallography work at SLAC’s synchrotron moves us closer to a more protective coronavirus vaccine and a better understanding of how vital materials flow in and out of cells.

Fan wins this year's Klein award from SSRL.