News archive

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The X-Ray Pump Probe instrument, uses an optical laser to "pump," or excite a sample with photons of light, thereby triggering some sort of physical transformation.

SSRL Pump-probe Laser

Last week the SLAC-built Radiometric All Sky Infrared Camera, or RASICAM, passed its final acceptance test before being partially disassembled, crated up and shipped off to Arizona.

Team members Howard Rogers (left) and Peter Lewis (right) are reflected in the gold-coated hemispherical mirror of RASICAM – the Radiometric All Sky Infrared Camera.

Tuesday evening, May 24, 2011, Christopher McGuinness of SLAC's Accelerator Research Division will present a free public lecture, "Particle Accelerator on a Chip."

Stillframe image for public lecture

Shutdown doesn't mean slow down for workers at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's Linac Coherent Light Source, LCLS.

LCLS Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering Endstation

It was astronomers who taught humans the tough lesson that we are not the center of the universe, at least not literally.

The Formation of Our Galaxy and Its Neighbors

As they say in the movie business, here's the pitch: tantalizing hints of an interaction that could demonstrate the existence of a new subatomic particle have emerged during the last months of operation of a venerable particle accelerator (the Tevatron...

Image of a sink with water flowing down the drain.

Scientists have engineered a cheap, abundant alternative to the expensive platinum catalyst and coupled it with a light-absorbing electrode to make hydrogen fuel from sunlight and water.

Tiny Silicon Pillars

Scientists have found the strongest evidence yet that a puzzling gap in the electronic structures of some high-temperature superconductors could indicate a new phase of matter.

The Pseudogap in a High-temperature Superconductor

Two studies to be published February 3 in Nature demonstrate how the unique capabilities of the world’s first hard X-ray free-electron laser—the Linac Coherent Light Source, located at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory—could revolutionize the study of...

Mimivirus X-ray Diffraction Pattern

The Crab Nebula, one of our best-known and most stable neighbors in the winter sky, is shocking scientists with its propensity for fireworks—gamma-ray flares set off by the most energetic particles ever traced to a specific astronomical object.

The Crab Nebula