News archive

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The process, which also facilitates name changes for religious, marital and other reasons, allows researchers of all genders to own their academic work by updating their names on previous publications.

Name Change

Fulfilling a prediction of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, researchers report the first-ever recordings of X-ray emissions from the far side of a black hole.

Black Hole

The research could lead to a better understanding of extreme astrophysical environments and the development of compact high-energy radiation sources for science.

high-energy electrons strengthen magnetic fields
News Feature · VIA Stanford Energy

Scientists turn methane into methanol at room temperature

An international team led by SLAC/Stanford Professor Ed Solomon used a tantalizing principle borrowed from nature to turn harmful methane into useful methanol.

Hannah Rhoda with the resonance Raman spectroscopy equipment at Stanford

They discover a short-lived state that could lead to faster and more energy-efficient computing devices.

ultrafast switching

She toured the lab’s powerful X-ray laser, looked at the construction of the world’s largest digital camera, and discussed climate research, industries of the future, and diversity, equity and inclusion in the sciences.

Secretary Granholm virtual visit

Nickelate materials give scientists an exciting new window into how unconventional superconductors carry electric current with no loss at relatively high temperatures.

Illustration showing nickelate and cuprate superconductors as cartoon characters that are either close friends holding hands or neighbors talking over a fence.

Petroglyphs are carved in a material called rock varnish, the origins of which have been debated for years. Now, scientists argue it’s the result of bacteria and an adaptation that protects them from the desert sun’s harsh rays.

Rock art featuring human and animal forms and handprints

Bernhard Mistlberger has developed new methods to make Standard Model predictions more precise than ever. The European Physical Society recently awarded him the 2021 Gribov Medal for his contributions.

A white man with dark hair.

Measuring the process in unprecedented detail gives them clues to how to minimize the problem and protect battery performance.

Illustration of oxygen atoms leaving a lithium-ion battery as lithium flows in alongside a battery whose energy is being sapped by this process