How do poetic and scientific exploration create access and insight between domains? Can art created within the worlds of science and technology broaden expectations and possibilities for engagement? Formally trained in physics and poetry, Lisa Rosenberg looks at processes of inquiry and making, with a lens of commonality and shared territory in the sciences and arts. Steeped in both domains since childhood, she will discuss how dual immersion fuels her work through tools, materials, methodologies and ways of seeing. Lisa's talk will look at questions in areas such as systems, creative pathways, symbolic language and social discourse. She'll read selections from her recent title, A Different Physics, and offer reflections on the gifts and pitfalls of working in fields often perceived as disparate or divided. Lisa will be in conversation with Roger Blandford of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology.
A Different Physics: The Poetics of Discovery
Presented by Lisa Rosenberg
About Lisa Rosenberg
Poet and recovering engineer Lisa Rosenberg holds degrees in physics and creative writing and worked for many years in the research, design and production of spacecraft hardware. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow and private pilot, she is the author of the poetry collection A Different Physics and has published widely in journals and anthologies. Her poems explore natural and cultural landscapes, the art of making and the interwoven terrain of the human and the technological. She speaks, consults and instructs, bringing tools of science and poetry to endeavors in industry, arts, community work and education. Lisa served as 2017/2018 Poet Laureate of San Mateo County and has just been awarded a 2020 Djerassi Residency for Artists and Scientists.
Listen to Lisa Rosenberg recite one of her poems here.
A Different Physics: The Poetics of Discovery
Presented by Lisa Rosenberg

Art Meets Science: A Different Physics
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
3:30–5:00 p.m. PST