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X-ray light sources and electron imaging RSS feed

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News Brief

It can help operators optimize the performance of X-ray lasers, electron microscopes, medical accelerators and other devices that depend on high-quality beams.

Artistic representation of a neural network superimposed on an electron beam profile
News Feature

This new understanding could aid the development of more efficient clean energy sources.

electron transfer
News Feature

A better understanding of the failure process will help researchers design new materials that can better withstand intense events such as high-velocity impacts.

material failure
News Feature

When upgrades to the X-ray laser at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are complete, the powerful new machine will capture up...

Infographic on LCLS-II data.
News Feature

Scientists get dramatically better resolution at X-ray free-electron lasers with a new technique.

News Feature

A promising lead halide perovskite is great at converting sunlight to electricity, but it breaks down at room temperature. Now scientists have discovered how...

Lead halide material being squeezed in a diamond anvil cell.
News Feature

The surprising results offer a way to boost the activity and stability of catalysts for making hydrogen fuel from water.

Illustration showing a book with layers of atoms on its pages
News Feature

These fleeting disruptions, seen for the first time in lead hybrid perovskites, may help explain why these materials are exceptionally good at turning sunlight...

An illustration shows polarons as bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice
News Feature

The study, done on a mild-mannered relative of the virus that causes COVID-19, paves the way for seeing more clearly how spike proteins initiate...

Illustration of a coronavirus spike
News Feature

The results, which show that ultrafast atomic motions are the first step in forming a magnetic state, could lead to faster and more efficient...

Charge transfer
News Feature

The lab’s X-ray laser recently joined other facilities in making remote science possible from any corner of the world, a trend that will likely...

Remote experiments in the control room at LCLS
News Feature

The results of a new scientific study reveal how photosynthetic reaction centers adapt to make light-driven reactions more efficient.

photosynthesis header