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Past Event · Public Lecture

Supernovas: Gravity-powered Neutrino Bombs

Imagine taking a ball of hot plasma more massive than the sun and suddenly compressing it to a super-dense object the size of a city. This sounds like science fiction, yet it is exactly what happens in the centers of...
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Past Event · Public Lecture

Cosmic Clue: The Dark Matter Mystery

The universe is full of giant structures like galaxies and clusters of galaxies. What holds them together? Over the past century, many diverse observations indicate that the glue holding these objects together is the gravitational pull of an invisible, elusive...
stillframe public lecture cosmic clue
Past Event · Public Lecture

Now Playing: Molecular Movies

Since it began operation in 2009, SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) has allowed scientists to make new types of X-ray measurements that were once thought unattainable by delivering one trillion X-ray photons ­– particles of X-ray light – in...
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Past Event · Public Lecture

Caught in the Act! Chemical Reactions Exposed

Catalysts are the unsung heroes of chemistry: Widely used in industry, they speed up chemical reactions used to make everything from fertilizers to fuels to consumer products, and they do this by making those reactions much more efficient. Many important...
stillframe public lecture caught in the act
In less than two decades, scientists have discovered more than a thousand planets orbiting other stars. Now we know that our solar system is not alone ­-- but we still do not know if it is rare or unique. Most...
stillframe public lectures other worlds

Presented by Siegfried Glenzer. Normally we think of hydrogen as a gas.  But elsewhere in the universe, hydrogen under extreme pressure can exist in more exotic states.  In the center of Jupiter, hydrogen becomes liquid or even solid.  In the...

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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the giant particle accelerator at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, will restart operations in 2015, at higher energies and intensities than ever before.

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Past Event · public lecture

Quantum CSI: Profiling Molecules with X-rays

From social media to market analysis, people use pattern recognition and machine learning to sift through enormous amounts of data and reach new levels of understanding. Now scientists are using those same tools to track millions of individual molecules as...
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Past Event · Public Lecture

X-rays Reveal Secret Life of Batteries

Making the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources for the world’s automobile fleet will require dramatic improvements in rechargeable batteries: They will need to be lighter, less expensive, run 300-plus miles on a single charge and last...
stillframe public lecture x-rays reveal secret life of batteries
Past Event · Public Lecture

Mutant Ribosomes and the Action of Antibiotics

The ribosome, found in all living cells, is the molecular machine that builds proteins. It faithfully attaches together amino acids – the building blocks of proteins – in the order determined by messenger RNA molecules, which in turn follow the...
stillframe from public lecture video about mutant ribosomes and antibiotics