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Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Sciences (SIMES) RSS feed

SIMES researchers study complex, novel materials that could transform the energy landscape by making computing much more efficient or transmitting power over long distances with no loss, for instance.

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Polarons, bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice.

News Feature

Researchers used a unique approach to learn more about what happens to silicon under intense pressure.

silicon waves
News Feature

X-ray laser snapshots give scientists a new tool for probing trillionths-of-a-second atomic motions in 2-D materials

Experimental station at SLAC's LCLS X-ray laser where the study was done
News Feature

Watching electrons sprint between atomically thin layers of material will shed light on the fundamental workings of semiconductors, solar cells and other key technologies.

Illustration of electrons giving off electromagnetic waves as they travel between two materials
News Feature

New research offers the first complete picture of why a promising approach of stuffing more lithium into battery cathodes leads to their failure. A...

high capacity batteries
News Feature

Ultrafast manipulation of material properties with light could stimulate the development of novel electronics, including quantum computers.

Topological Switch Lead Art
News Feature

The SIMES researcher was a rare theorist who concerned himself with the implications of his abstract ideas about new quantum states of matter on...

Shoucheng Zhang
News Feature

Revealed for the first time by a new X-ray laser technique, their surprisingly unruly response has profound implications for designing and controlling materials.

Illustration of laser light setting off vibrations in material
News Feature

Two studies led by SLAC and Stanford capture electron 'sound waves' and identify a positive feedback loop that may boost superconducting temperatures.

Illustration of study that reveals how coordinated motions of atoms boost superconductivity
Press Release

Experiments at SLAC and Berkeley Lab uproot long-held assumptions and will inform future battery design.

Lithium ion infographic
News Feature

A SLAC-Stanford study reveals exactly what it takes for diamond to crystallize around a “seed” cluster of atoms. The results apply to industrial processes...

Illustration of diamondoid and diamond crystals
News Feature

Former Stanford and UC-Berkeley physicist is honored for foundational research that peers into unconventional phenomena within exotic materials.

Photo: Ming Yi
News Feature

Tony Heinz and Z-X Shen will receive funding for research focused on catalysis and novel states of matter.