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Dark energy RSS feed

Scientists study the force that drives that acceleration, dubbed “dark energy,” with deep astronomical surveys that look at how the distribution of galaxies has changed over billions of years.

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Physics of the universe
Astrophysics and cosmology

An observatory bathed in red light against a starry night sky

News Feature

The first batch of data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument is now available for researchers to mine. Taken during the experiment’s “survey validation”...

A telescope building sits atop a mountain in twilight.
News Feature

The synthetic galaxy catalog will help test Roman's capabilities and foster collaboration with the Rubin project. 

A field of bright spots on a black background.
News Feature

The Rubin Observatory's LSST Camera will take enormously detailed images of the night sky from atop a mountain in Chile. Down below the mountain...

LSST data illustration
News Feature

DESI has already mapped out more galaxies than all previous 3D surveys combined, and it's just getting started.

Mayall Telescope Star Trails
News Feature

Managing the unprecedented amount of data that will soon stream from Rubin Observatory means more than buying tons of hard drives. SLAC scientist Richard...

A bearded man with glasses poses at a railing inside a building.
News Feature

She toured the lab’s powerful X-ray laser, looked at the construction of the world’s largest digital camera, and discussed climate research, industries of the...

Secretary Granholm virtual visit
News Feature

From the invisible world of elementary particles to the mysteries of the cosmos, recipients of this prestigious award for early career scientists explore nature...

Panofsky fellows
News Feature

An analysis of the first three years of Dark Energy Survey data is consistent with predictions from the current best model of the universe...

An observatory bathed in red light against a starry night sky
News Feature

An international collaboration aims to create a 3D map of the universe, unraveling the mysterious nature of dark energy.

Photo of a small section of the DESI focal plane
News Feature

For the first time, DES scientists can combine measurements of the distribution of matter, galaxies, and galaxy clusters to advance our understanding of dark...

A map of the sky showing the density of galaxy clusters, galaxies and matter
News Feature

Rubin Observatory will bring new capabilities to the studies of dark matter and dark energy.

Illustration of Vera Rubin Observatory
Press Release

The camera will explore cosmic mysteries as part of the Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

LSSTCam Focal Plane Header