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X-ray scattering and diffraction RSS feed

See content related to X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction here below.

Illustration of LCLS diffraction protein crystals.


In this illustration, the pairs of red spheres are escaping oxygen atoms and purple spheres are metal ions. This new understanding could lead to...

Illustration of oxygen atoms leaving a lithium-ion battery as lithium flows in alongside a battery whose energy is being sapped by this process
News Feature

Known as “pair-density waves,” it may be key to understanding how superconductivity can exist at relatively high temperatures.

Illustration depicting how two types of waves within superconducting materials intertwine to form a third type known as charge-density waves
News Brief

Two groups of researchers drew on SLAC tools to better understand how to target a key part of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Illustration of SARS-CoV-2, a round ball with spikes.
News Feature

SSRL and LCLS scientists will help visiting research teams solve their experimental challenges, then apply what they’ve learned to help others work more efficiently.

Diagram of a complex molecule
News Feature

This new understanding could aid the development of more efficient clean energy sources.

electron transfer
News Feature

A better understanding of the failure process will help researchers design new materials that can better withstand intense events such as high-velocity impacts.

material failure
News Feature

A promising lead halide perovskite is great at converting sunlight to electricity, but it breaks down at room temperature. Now scientists have discovered how...

Lead halide material being squeezed in a diamond anvil cell.
News Feature

G6PD deficiency affects about 400M people worldwide and can pose serious health risks. Uncovering the causes of the most severe cases could finally lead...

G6PD enzyme in red blood cell
News Feature

These fleeting disruptions, seen for the first time in lead hybrid perovskites, may help explain why these materials are exceptionally good at turning sunlight...

An illustration shows polarons as bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice
As this animation shows, polaronic distortions start very small and rapidly expand outward in all directions to a diameter of...
Animation of polaronic distortions expanding in an atomic lattice

An illustration shows polarons – fleeting distortions in a material’s atomic lattice ––in a promising next-generation energy material, lead hybrid perovskite.

Polarons, bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice.
News Feature

Most new materials are discovered near the proverbial shore. Now, scientists deploy artificial intelligence and high-throughput experimental techniques to search previously uncharted waters to...

A ship sails along a coastline, while a sea monster swims near an island where treasure can be found.