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X-ray crystallography RSS feed

See articles related to X-ray crystallography here below.

An illustration shows the pocket in an enzyme called ECR where the carbon fixing reaction takes place.

News Feature

X-rays show details of an insect virus’s crystalline cocoon with sub-nanometer resolution.

Press Release

New X-ray methods have captured the highest resolution room-temperature images of photosystem II.

News Feature

The team determined the 3-D structure of a biomolecule by tagging it with selenium atoms and taking hundreds of thousands of images.

News Feature

During a recent shutdown, engineers installed new beamline technology and a 3-D virtual tour captured rare views of the synchrotron’s interior.

New in-vacuum undulator
Press Release

SLAC’s X-ray laser provides clues to engineering a new protein to kill mosquitos that carry dengue and Zika.

Scientists shed light on the three-dimensional structure of BinAB and its mode of action.
News Feature

The new MFX station expands the X-ray laser’s capability and flexibility for biological studies, which are increasingly in demand at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light...

News Feature

The Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center can help researchers who lack equipment for testing hundreds of different crystallization conditions or expertise in working with challenging...

News Feature

New insights into how bacteria interact with host cells could help fight off harmful microbes.

News Feature

Scientists have determined in atomic detail how a potential drug molecule fits into and blocks a channel in cell membranes that Ebola and related...

Alex Kintzer and Robert Stroud at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light Source.
Press Release

A new study with the LCLS X-ray laser could change the way researchers take atomic-level snapshots of important biological machineries, potentially affecting research in...

News Feature

Ian Wilson explains how scientists have found a way to induce antibodies to fight a range of influenza viruses, which could some day eliminate...

News Feature

Researchers at SLAC have found a simple new way to study very delicate biological samples – like proteins at work in photosynthesis and components...