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The Scripps researcher is honored for groundbreaking research at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource that accelerated the development of a vaccine for deadly Lassa...

Photo - Kathryn Hastie, staff scientist at The Scripps Research Institute
News Feature

Zeeshan Ahmed, Frederico Fiuza and Emilio Nanni will each receive about $2.5 million over five years to pursue cutting-edge research into cosmic inflation, plasma...

SLAC's 2017 DOE Early Career Award winners
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The award recognizes the Stanford/SLAC professor’s pioneering work in the fields of energy and nanomaterials science.

Photo - Yi Cui SLAC/Stanford professor
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Claudio Pellegrini, a distinguished professor emeritus of physics at UCLA and adjunct professor of photon science at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator...

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Sila Kiliccote, Jodi Verleger and Lydia Young demonstrate what it means to live SLAC’s values.

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The prize, shared with Sekazi Mtingwa and Anton Piwinski, honors theoretical work that helped sharpen the focus of beams at a wide variety of...

SLAC theoretical physicist James D. "BJ" Bjorken
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The fellowship will support their research into developing new methods of imaging tiny particles and understanding the properties of the Higgs boson.

Tais Gorkhover and Michael Kagan, the 2016 Panofsky Fellows at SLAC
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The award honors his work on a world-class experimental station at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.

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Liu acknowledged for wide-ranging work in energy materials, catalysis, carbon sequestration, material in extreme conditions and scientific big data mining.

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Four Stanford students receive funding for work on novel accelerators and beams for SLAC's X-ray laser.

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He is being honored for the development of theories that help researchers better understand nature’s fundamental particles and forces.

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The 2010 experiment marked a significant step forward in understanding extreme states of matter at the hearts of stars, planets and nuclear fusion reactions.

The interior of an LCLS chamber set up for an investigation into hot, dense matter.